Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Frustration is your friend. Depression is well, depressing. To many people have moved past frustration into depression and for themselves and their loved ones, they need to get out of there now.

How many millions of people are taking anti-depressants to find that boost? How many people are drinking alcohol at alarming rates and making themselves more depressed and hurting themselves because they didn't know that frustration was their friend and they kept going until they were depressed.

It's perfectly fine to be frustrated and want changes in your life. If you use frustration as a sign and a tool which can lead you ultimately to taking action steps to make the changes, frustration becomes your friend. I want you to know that I'm here for you and I care about wellness both physical and mental. Some people have told me I'm a "mind healer." I know I'm an uplifter.

About 12 years ago, a friend shared with me what I have come to know as the "Results Formula" although I do not know the real origin, I like the questions and will share them with you.

I love the "Results Formula" because to use this tool you ask yourself five questions: 1. What result do I have now in any area of my life? With question one you ask yourself where you stand. Where are you right now? What is your current reality? then,

Questions 2: What result do I want? This is where you ask yourself to picture what you'd like to see in your life. You can dream, you can visualize, you get clear about where you'd like to go or be or do. It starts to open you up to possibilities.

A quick story. I was in a pawn shop a few minutes before closing and asked the saleslady to show me a charm with Chinese symbols on it. The saleslady did not know what the charm said but as we both turned around, another customer had these symbols tattooed on her back. We asked the meaning of the symbols and the customer said "Faith and Love."

I wrote these words down, purchased the pendant with the Chinese symbols and said to the saleslady," This is not only a pendant. It's a gift from God with a message I'm supposed to share in a keynote speech. The speech is about how for some people they are at a point in their lives where all they have left is "Faith and Love." Lots of people in Vegas and around the US are broke and some are emotionally or spiritually "broken." With Faith and Love in your life, you find Hope. Hope is the uplifting that millions of people need and want right now.

Back to the our work towards results.

Question 3: What's the difference between what I have now and what I want? For example, if you have a job paying $10 dollars an hour and you want a job that pays $50 per hour, that's $40 per hour difference. $40 per hour for 40 hours a week is $1,600 a week difference.

You might say that you want to feel energized and motivated and now you are frustrated and tired. The difference is mental, physical, emotional, and maybe even spiritual. You are clarifying the scenario and trying to understand what you want to work on or change.

Question 4: Why is there a difference between what I want and what I currently have? You need to understand or try to understand why you have this current situation or status so that you will be able to know what to work on or what you want to accomplish.

Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz, "It's always best to start at the beginning." Do you know where to start in each area of importance to your life. I know many of you are saying I have lots of areas that need work. Well folks, one at a time, one by one.

"You can only fix it while you're alive." -Lori Wilk. For those of you who don't know, my father was killed in a car wreck. I found out later that there were matters that my father wanted resolved and they were not finalized at the time of his crash. This was a powerful reminder that while we're here we have to do what's important to us because time runs out for each of us.
We forget to stop and remember that we're human.

The one bet I'd make anyone is that come tomorrow they can't bring back Today. Today is so special. Thank-you for being with me Today.

The next step with Question 5: What am I going to do about this? This is the question that will help you move from frustration towards satisfaction or joy and it's where you decide what you are going to do. It doesn't end with this, it starts here.

There are three frogs on a lily pad as I was told. One decided to leave. How many of the three are still left on the lily pad?- if you said two you are Wrong. There are three frogs on the lily pad because deciding was not Enough. None took the leap to get off the pad.

Today is your day. It is here. You are here and it is real. Do something. Start this process. Reading this blog is doing something.

I started this blog in 2002, it's 2011. That's nine years. You and I are nine years older. Nine years have gone by that we are not getting back.

Now that I found my lost blog, I am going to write more for you about the urgency of enjoying life above ground and making it wonderful. Until we get together again , remember to Live Your Passion Love Your Life. I believe that any time is a great time to be successful and that "Now would be fine."

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